Thursday, February 27, 2014

Grow a Medicinal Herb Garden for Better Health

Check out this article I wrote for another local paper of mine, the Peninsula Gateway, titled "Grow a Medicinal Herb Garden for Better Health."  I give you a few suggestions for the first medicinal herbs you should be growing!

Extend Your Growing Season by Starting Your Seeds Indoors

I am officially a new guest columnist for my local paper, the KP News, in Lakebay, WA.  Read my first article here and learn how to start your seeds indoors in order to extend your growing season! (I'm on page 6)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feel Sexy. Power Pose in the Nude.

Wonder Woman Knows How to Pose

I recently watched a TED talk on body language, specifically power posing, and the effect it can have on the body.  Amy Cuddy gave the talk and you can watch it here

Her final point turned out to be that just like our mood and mindset can determine our body language, the opposite is also true.  Our conscious body language will have a profound effect on our state of mind and self-image.  Smiling when we are sad will put us in a better mood.  Standing tall and proud when we feel insecure will give our self-esteem a boost.

I would like to take it one step further and recommend power posing in the nude.  Yes, you read that right: practice standing tall and proud in your birthday suit.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Visit to Eden Will Teach You How to Grow Your Own Food for Free

Paul Gautschi works in his garden

There is a garden nestled among the trees of Sequim, WA, that has gained worldwide attention through an internet documentary called Back to Eden.  The documentary stars a humble, but revolutionary, gardener named Paul Gautschi and his home garden. 

Paul will grab your attention when he tells you his gardening methods, which are contrary to traditional techniques.  For example, he hasn’t watered his garden in 34 years.  He doesn’t rotate his crops.  Pests and weeds don’t seem to be a problem for him.  He doesn’t ever till his soil.  His only gardening tools are a rake, a shovel and a wheelbarrow. 

And yet, the food he grows is juicier and sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted, and is more nutritious than anything you’ll find in the organic section of the grocery store.  Best of all, his methods are completely free.
So how does he do it?  I visited his garden a couple of months ago to see for myself.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Grow Your Own Food for Optimum Health

Click here  to read the article I wrote for the Peninsula Gateway in Gig Harbor, WA.  It's called Grow Your Own Food for Optimum Health.

(The link has since been removed from the site, so below you will find the text of this article.)