
gardens. compost. herbal medicine. making things. knitting. cooking. ayurveda. nature walks. chickens. mason jars. permaculture. nutrition. food forests. apple cider vinegar. rebel gardening. vegetarian. handmade. sustainable. alternative energy. simplicity. smoothies. yoga. baking soda. quinoa. hiking. travel. conscious consumer. tiny houses. mother nature. solar panels. hydroponics. organic. kombucha. aquaponics. exercise. art. greens. poetry. awareness. music. dance. reiki. freedom. self-reliant. adventure. fitness. meditation. energy. growth. spirit. trees. chakras. entrepreneurs. barter. thrift stores. sunsets. recycle. upcycle. create. mindfulness. sexuality. balance. curry. grow food. coconut oil. beads. writing. pit bulls. femininity. avocados. homemade makeup. whole foods. vegan. vintage. natural. in the moment. creativity. salads. hemp seeds. woodchip gardening. books. farms. freedom.

Monica Rakowski blogs, writes freelance articles and has a column in her local paper called Living Close to Nature.  She also practices Reiki healing and owns a hydroponics shop.

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