Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Visit to Eden Will Teach You How to Grow Your Own Food for Free

Paul Gautschi works in his garden

There is a garden nestled among the trees of Sequim, WA, that has gained worldwide attention through an internet documentary called Back to Eden.  The documentary stars a humble, but revolutionary, gardener named Paul Gautschi and his home garden. 

Paul will grab your attention when he tells you his gardening methods, which are contrary to traditional techniques.  For example, he hasn’t watered his garden in 34 years.  He doesn’t rotate his crops.  Pests and weeds don’t seem to be a problem for him.  He doesn’t ever till his soil.  His only gardening tools are a rake, a shovel and a wheelbarrow. 

And yet, the food he grows is juicier and sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted, and is more nutritious than anything you’ll find in the organic section of the grocery store.  Best of all, his methods are completely free.
So how does he do it?  I visited his garden a couple of months ago to see for myself.